

Is your business ‘missing the mark’
instead of ‘hitting goals out of the park’?

Do you have big dreams with no idea how to reach them? Do you feel overwhelmed by digital marketing? Unsure how to use social media? Furiously Tweeting, Facebooking, Graming, Pinning, Linking, Scoping, Snapping, Emailing, Streaming and still not getting results?

Well, my friend, you’re in the right place.

I’m Adeyinka, Business Mentor & Digital Strategist with more experience than you can shake a stick at. The business world can be utterly confusing. I cut through the noise and speak your language, keeping things simple and smart. Life’s too short for drawn-out processes and tech jargon that makes your head explode.

I’m a strategist, a creative, an intuitive and I lead with love and integrity. Always.

My work is based on four core principles:

Mindset + Strategy + Action + Fun
The first three are essential for success. The fourth, well that just makes everything so much better, life really doesn’t need to be so damn serious!

I’ve led the marketing at a range of businesses, been the social media director at two agencies and delivered successful digital strategies across many industries. I’ve run two award-winning, multi-six figure businesses of my own and helped hundreds of small business owners get the results they need, taking their mindset and their business to the next level and helping them to reach the goals they desire. I’ve achieved great things. I’ve tried new ideas. I’ve failed and learned from it. All of this I’ve done with a smile on my face. Well, most of the time.

For small businesses and entrepreneurs, I help you create a strong strategic foundation ready for growth, a success mindset that blasts through blocks, the right income streams to create consistent monthly income, powerful messaging that connects, fantastic frameworks that show you as the true leader you are, daring digital that drives relevant, regular leads, savvy social that creates a loving tribe and internal systems that prepare you to scale.